Special Thanks

To Graeme Nattress (buy his plugins) who provided critical insight and assistance and encouraged me to enter the plugin arena.

To Craig Sommerer (Mister Color), for his enormous assistance and constant encouragement - without him EMA would just be a little idea floating around my head. Thanks to Shane Ross and Mike Mench for all their help and testing. Also Ken Ecker (fantastic filmmaker) for the name Electronic Makeup Artist (the plugin's working title was Smoothier).

And, Joe Maller's site always provides insight - buy his plugins too...

Thank you to all my beta testers who help ensure the quality of my products.

And thanks to my friends at NSCoder night in Santa Monica. A finer bunch of geeks and nerds cannot be found on the planet...

Thanks also to the engineers at Apple, especially Darrin Cardani for providing the insight that allowed me to expand my offerings to include FxPlugins.

Finally, thanks to Apple for making the great hardware and software that make my work so much easier.

And to all on the Apple Forums where I learn good stuff every day.